Trauma Responsive Schools Notice of Funding Opportunity

View the Notice of Funding Opportunity

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is posting this notice regarding grants for Trauma Responsive Schools. Grants will be made with state fiscal year 2019 bullying prevention funds. A total of $398,700 is available through June 30, 2019.

Application deadline: 11:59 p.m. on February 15, 2019.

Program Design

The program design consists of an assessment and planning period to be completed by June 30, 2019. Developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s Treatment and Services Adaptation Center for Resilience, Hope, and Wellness in Schools and the Center for School Mental Health, the Trauma Responsive Schools Implementation Assessment (TRS-IA) provides a comprehensive assessment that can also be used by schools to document immediate and long-term changes. Grantees will assist schools in completing the assessment and developing an action plan with immediate and longer-term projects. Grantees may select to include additional tools in their assessment process. The action plan is due July 15, 2019 and must be approved by ICJIA by August 1, 2019. Contingent on satisfactory performance, future appropriation, and approval of the action plan, grantees may receive continuation funding for implementation of the action plan resulting from this notice.

Program Requirements

Additional Program Services can include all or some of the following:

Eligibility Information

Agencies must be pre-qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal,, to become eligible to apply for an award. Applicants must have completed the GATA pre-qualification process and received approval of their Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ) by the date of period of performance start date, April 1, 2019 be considered for funding.

This program design requires at least 5 years’ experience providing training and technical assistance to schools on bullying prevention, social and emotional learning, and/or trauma-aware climate initiatives. ICJIA assessed agencies with the experience and capacity to meet the program design and requirements and has identified the entities below due to their experience and capacity to implement program requirements in a short time frame. The following entities are eligible to apply:


Completed application materials must be emailed to by 11:59 p.m., February 15, 2019 to be considered for funding. Proposals will not be accepted by mail, fax, or in-person. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Late submissions will not be reviewed.

Available Funds

Grants available through this notice will not exceed $398,700.

Period of Performance

Funding is available for the period of April 1-June 30, 2019. Based on program performance and fund availability, the Authority may recommend allocation of funding to support an additional 33 months.


Task Date
NOFO posted January 15, 2019
Applications due February 15, 2019
Budget Committee review/approval of recommended designations February 28, 2019
Program start date April 1, 2019


Recipients must submit quarterly financial reports, quarterly progress reports, final financial and progress reports, and, if applicable, an annual audit report in accordance with the CFR Part 200 Uniform Requirements. Future awards and fund drawdowns may be withheld if reports are delinquent.

Required Documents

The following documents must be emailed to by the 11:59 p.m., February 15, 2019 for application review. Click the links below to download copies.


Questions regarding this NOFO may be submitted to

Contact Information

Reshma Desai

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority

300 West Adams, Suite 200

Chicago, IL 60606